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Wahhz quddiee ' dhiz yuh qirl Carmen "Dream" De Jesus . If yuh dont knw by now , I represent $CRIPT $OCIETY -- I'm 16 yrs yunqinz & Puerto Rican {Por Ley - Pa ke tu lo sepas} jaja My passions aree Graffiti , Muzik, Art , Poetry , & Writinq . So yeaa . Comment, Rate -- Imma be keepin yall posted wen I put new stuff so Check My Script ! ; )

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rap Off (Moisito vs Carmensita..& Randomly My mom)

Carmen: So yu wanna be a Gangsta? Wanna be a thug? 12 gauge-Mr. Bill-Bust out slug. Wana be the "Big Don"..? The master drug dealer wear a mask as yu blast. They call yu d big killer. I just call yu a murder. Watchu thinkin tht nobody eva heard of ya.? Betta stop & think quik. B4 yu spit dem wack verses while d "youth man" isn...t. Got kids wana be thugs & watnot. Worshipin clothes & shoes on d block wit dey glock. Glock Pop

Moisito: this girl tryin to rap please tell me what is this;
im playin with this rap like michael jackson and littl kids ha
please dont try me leave you on the floor ;
you think your ryhmes are rich na nigga they poor ha
carmensita try again ; and next time use your mind not a pen LOL

Carmen: Niqqa yu wastin my tyme;; Tryna rule my rhymes
Im lyk uh.. Niqqa quit, yu knw my shyt is legit.
My finqer slips. upon tht triqqq yu claim yu biqqer
But niqqa look at me & tell me how yu bigger.?
Seeing yo lower lip quiver.
...Go find Jesus Christ and yo soul mite be delivered.
I brake out them switches upon yo britches
Niqqa bout to call 911 better get yu some stiches!!!

Moisito: girl stop turn around and learn how to rap
ill eat your ass up like a dam big mac
you think your rhymes are nice but you really mistaken
spittin all these lines you think you ivy queen stop fakin
ha and i can go for days you say u got guns ...i aint neva seen you spray
LOL thats enough just dont even try to rap back
what you dont know is you cant rap thats a fact

Carmen: Rap back..? Niqqa i eat yu up lik my late night snack.
Yu just wishin yu wasnt missin erythin that im pitchin
Yu just standin there wishin yu was eatin in my kithen.
But yu aint.! So take a look and see just where yu stand.
Thinkin yu a real m...an.?! I can't rap? Oh yes i can.
Im ready to fightt & ready to roll
Talkin kaka out the jaw i stole.

Moisito:  niigga please i hold the gun no prob then squeeze
late night snack women thats nothin
talkin all this hot girl stuff man you bluffin
girl you know you aint about nothin i rap of the dome
shut your trap dont say nothin and go back home
...and eat at your kitchen why do that?
i dont like food that tastle like crap BURR


Moisito: oh no she really wanna try
and just like u said my kicks like lu kane they will fly
fly like a eagle snack on you like like a dam beagle lol
girl just go ahead and stop it
you know what you good so just pop lock and drop it ha
...two boricuas rappin that stuff dont stick
girl you know im flame spark me im bic to slick
and to these girls mind i stick no wood
i think he did i think she said i know she never would lol

Carmen: i’ll put my foot down,so u could call me a leader
keep Mo “on the Run” so u could call em Adidas
showin u the difference wit minor n major leaguers
im HGTV with a notebook,designin the features
every line like wallpaper cuz they switch patterns...
blankin out,thinkin bout the rings around Saturn
if the were made of diamonds,we would find a way to have em
the world wuz once nuthin..people were built from an atom
get it?(atom=Adam) HAHAHAHA :D

Moisito: Lmfao and you still keep going just give it up
im lightin you up didnt quit first dam thats tuff
you take forever to respond back to my rymes
YOU CAN NOT SEE for the thousands time!
ima cut it short cuz im tired of doing you in
...you just a personal helper somethin like a hair pin
cause you assit but yo never really lead
you give me all these wack rymes what do i do FEED!
duh LOL

Carmen: Havent i told yu a million times not to"Duh" me?
Yu dummy! & Im taking forever cuz fam comes first.
Primero.! Yu knw when i hit yu with these words it hurts.
Yu so funni moses :) But now i gotta get off facebook cuz da moms is botherin. :/ Go...tta give yu props tho wit ya raps. But imma call it a wrap.

Moisito:  dueces niigga lol nd thanks ha

My Mom:  OK! And yu expect me to cook for you now!? :) BOTH OF YALL, OUT OF MY KITCHEN! Before I give the both of you a whippin. Moisito stop trippin and carmensita you better hush before ya nose starts drippin. Wow, im a poet and didnt even know it! Ha ha ha Im so dope! :D

Best Friend

To: Moisito & Diomy :)

You see right through my pretenses
You look right through my mask
You know just when I need a hug
I never need to ask

You're there to talk when Im lonely
You stay up late when Im depressed
All me retarded comments
You shrug away in jest

You see my dark
You see my light
You be right by my side
Even when Im not right

You cheer me up when Im sad
You catch me when I fall
How did you come to earn my trust...
When I barely trust no one at all.

Thank you guys.! For everything :D


By: Carmen & Marielis

This is sickk bo
Im high as a hawk
I mean intense yo
Got things flyin at me
Im dodgin em like bullets
You got me singin dis song like Mr. Rogers
Up in this so called "friendly neighborhood."
But Im 10xs stronger now
More than Ive ever been before
The Incredible Hulk comes out
My adrenaline is pumpin
The blood is gushin out my heart
It flows from the hole that's been created
By the pressures of this World.
Im still at this great height
But Im comin down now- back to Earth
cuz someone's finally shot me down
It was this retarded clown
Who thinks life is a joke
Why did this happen
Im dying little by little
My heart is melting
This is hurting; I dont know how to react
So just let me fall.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rhymes of Some Hard Times

I remember the days
When I used to act a different way
When everyone would act a different way
When everyone would say "It's going to be okay."
But it never turned out that way
Living with a family of eight
It wasn't that straight
Struggling with money wasn't great
And going to school and showin up late
Teachers asked questions- I gave em no answers
Helpin mom with kids & changing pampers
Aunt started running from the abusive spouse
Gave her a place to say at our house
She had no job- She had no car
She didn't get far
But we helped her out
My mom & her would shout
over the stupidest stuff
I couldn't take it- 8th grade was my 1st puff
I was hooked
Never stuck my head in a book
I skipped school cause I thought I was cool
I'd smoke and drink.. and I really didn't think.
I thought I was the shyt... The best
10th grade came and I was amused by sex
Cursing & drugs flooded the halls
I tagged the walls and bathroom stalls
I was never the one to fit in
I was the leader and that's how its always been
I'd come home to screaming & bitchin
My siblings were always snitchin
I'd try to sleep and cry to sleep
I hung out with the wrong crowd
I was always the one to be crazy and loud
But things started to change- & I don't mean Obama.
I drifted away from my family.. Especially my momma
We used to be cool- We used to be tight
But now it's different- We just fight
God was out of sight
And so was Danny
He went to college- Away from the family
Everybody drifted apart
I got a cold heart
And I'm rock solid strong
And I vent my feelings by writing song
So here are some rhymes of some hard times.

A Lover's Broken Heart

You race through my mind while my heart beats so fast
You were never unkind and I really wanted it to last
Some days I long for your touch, still knowing I can't get you back
I cried and tried so much, but in the end i still felt bad
You and I never spoke after that
My heart was like a broken piece of glass,
Waiting to be fixed and made new
The pieces just remain on the floor until someone
Who truly loves me back comes to my rescue
Cause see, love is only great for a period of time
Until all the memories we shared flashed before my eyes
Love turns to guilt, hate, and pain
Loneliness, depression, and vain
I hated crying for weeks
and playing "hide-n-seek"
Now love will have to find me, because I'm done falling apart
I don't want to end up with a lover's broken heart...

Gossip Hurts

Have you ever been the victom of gossip at your school? How does it hurt? How does it start and when will it end? Who will make a stand to approach those who spread the gossip? Gossip not only hurts those that it’s being spread about but the families and friends of that individual. Sometimes it starts as a joke and becomes serious; then again, most gossip is intentional.

Students gossip for many reasons. Many people gossip because they are jealous of other friend’s relationships, or to even break those relationships. Some people gossip to tease and make fun of others, to get back at someone, to hurt that person, or to make them less popular. There are just some people out there who feel insecure about themselves so they feel pleasure by starting gossip about others to make themselves feel powerful and in control.

A lot of gossiping affects more than just one person. People don’t think of the effects their words have on others but gossip can ruin friendships and reputations. It causes friends to lose trust and loyalty in each other and it may take a long time to restore. Sometimes friendships are never restored, and depending on how out-of-hand the gossip got, students are also capable of committing suicide. Not a lot of people think about how their words and actions affect the people around them because they are focused on that moment and are not concerned how their peers feel.

It’s very important to be the peacemaker in gossiping situations. If you or anyone you know has ever been placed in the position to gossip about another person, report to an adult or an authority you can trust. No matter what people say or do, no one deserves to be treated in that type of manner. Gossip is a virus to society and it will never be stopped because it only takes one person to influence the lives of many with their words. Gossip hurts, so don’t contribute or encourage it.


Rest In Peace Cameo *Young Chaos*

(Just wanna say right off the bat... Sorry if i am not grammatically correct.)

Rest In Peace Cameo D. Harvey "Young Chaos"

I've been thinking about my boy Cameo "YC." I feel like I really need to get this off my chest.
He's been like a brother to me, him and Jordan "J-Murda." Back when I was attending South View, they both always had my back. Whenever I needed help with anything they were there for me, all I had to do was look at them both and they knew something was wrong, and the first thing Cameo would ask me was, "What's crackin? Who got an issue?" I guess after being with them so long they know me really well.

Cameo passed away at South View High School on Friday, May 22, 2009 due to respiratory failure. (asthma attack) That same day I was skipping class with my friend Lorna and I'll never regret it for one second because while I was skipping I met up with him in the hall approx. 5 minutes before his attack. We had a conversation about his music career. We then went off our separate ways and no sooner then that, an announcement had went off saying that the teachers needed to keep students outta the hallway where the front office was. Knowing the kinda people Lorna and I are, we went straight toward the office. We got to that hall and saw a buncha teachers crowding the floor. I couldn't make out who the person on the floor was but the person was shaking all over the floor and Lorna and I got escorted back to class by a teacher.

That weekend my family and I were going to Topsail Island. My friend Amanda came along with us and her phone kept receiving text messages saying a student at South View had died. I didn't know what to say or how to feel because I didn't know who the person was. Plus, when Amanda would text back asking who died, they would reply saying they didn't know. I finally returned home and when I got to school the next morning almost every single person I saw was crying and wearing these custom shirts that read "R.I.P. Cameo D. Harvey." My eyes started to swell up and tear. My mind started racing... I saw him dieing! Could I possibly have been the last person to talk to him? Could I have been able to help him if I had continued to walk with him? Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference. But still, there was this urge in me that wanted to blame myself. That whole day I cried and cried because I didn't have any other way to express my feelings. When school was over, I went to the football field and screamed at the top of my lungs. I yelled at God and cursed at Him. I questioned Him and asked Him why this had to happen! He was only 15! He was like my right hand, what else could I do? I know you're probably thinking, "This girl is crazy, she cursed at God!?" Yes, I did. I was angry, hurt, confused, and mixed with so many emotions. To make matters worse, Jordan was on house arrest and suspended from school. He wasn't even aloud to attend the Wake. It broke my heart because even though Jordan is a C^rip and Cameo was a Bl00d, they were the best of friends, they were brothers till the end. I made it a point to spend as much time as I could with Jordan and comfort him because he couldn't leave his house, and I am in walking distance.

I was told at Cameo's funeral that God has a plan for everyone and he had a reason for Cameo dieing when he did. I didn't want to accept it because I was hurt but, after a couple months went by I started to think back, and maybe that person was right. Maybe God did have a reason. Even though I don't know that reason, I'm not going to stop believing in him. I repented and asked God to forgive me for cursing at Him and saying things I shouldn't have.

Well, that's all I have to say about that for now because "I think I got something in my eye." There tearing up for some reason...


My Eyes

What do I like about myself? You ask...
My eyes...
They say the eyes are the window to the soul
You can tell alot about a person by looking into their eyes
Eyes are like an automatic polygraph
If you look deep enough, you can detect a lie
They let you view the World and God's creation
There is something special about them
How they are just placed at a perfect position
With a unique color for each and everyone
We see black for anger, red for love, and white for glory
At any moment you desire to express your emotions
Eyes teach you to believe
But seeing isnt always believing
Seeing is the ability to unleash the magic and light
Within the inner beauty
Eyes are the creation to look to the past, present, and future
There worth is luminescence of the innocence inside that person's heart
When someone is weary or sad, you can see the pain in their eyes
Your eyes tell a story, without words or actions, but with a gaze
Eyes are the target of what you want to believe
They enable you to say, "This is who I am."
The eyes define who you are and what you choose to become
And are the main facial body language
That describes what kind of spirit we hold inside at that moment
Your eyes are your signiture of who you are
What do I like about myself? You ask...
My eyes...

My Shadow

"Who are you?" I ask
People asking me what do I like about myself...
I'm just wondering if I'm really hiding behind a mask,
or is it this game I've been playing off the shelf.

I don't see what others see in themselves
Am I in denial? Or maybe I'm just a big fat lie.
I hear a soft voice talking to me
It passes so quickly, you can say it just flees.

Why can't people respect my choices?
I just want to be me and follow these voices.
It's telling me the truth because I hear it so many times,
But people remind me constantly of my crimes.

I feel like a bad girl for not listening to it's words.
It wants me to love myself but I don't.
It's most likely hard for you to understand, but to me it's just absurd.

I don't understand why it follows me when I look so hideous.
It feels like it can be looked upon as mysterious.
It's hard for me to understand, why should someone have to deal with
something they hate? When it can be fixed and over with.
I can recall this feeling over and over again,
It's like i need someone to understand me and be my friend.

But then again, that's why it's my shadow.

A Poem From A Friend

By: Devaney Seymour (My friend)

I'm gonna write a poem about Carmen
Because I'm super bored...
"Floored" rhymes with "bored."
Hahaha! We laugh all day
Over funny things we say
Hey! It rhymes with "say."
Carmen's got curly hair
Fuzzy as a bear...? Do I care?
What? What? In the butt!
Went to Pizza Hut
Walked 3 miles in the frikin cold
Just for Alex Aviles, she put her life on hold.
We walked to his window
and she knocked on it.
No answer.
So I slammed on it!
Good times. Good times.
Writing this retarded rhyme
On the dime.
Straight creepin'
With my mad SKILLZZZ...

When I First Met Hip-Hop

When I first met Hip-Hop
It changed my outlook on music
It wasn't just words on a page
It was poetry, the lyrics of someone's heart.
Someone's point of view on life- in a song.
Hip-Hop may contain a soothing rhythm
or can be very upbeat.
It feels intoxicating and inspiring.

When I first met Hip-Hop
I experianced a new culture & way of life
I felt encouraged & motivated to write
I felt encouraged & motivated to express myself...

When I first met Hip-Hop
I discovered a new side of me that I never knew
I discovered a vulnerable, independent, smart adolescent
who had a purpose in life.

When I first met Hip-Hop
I found my place & discovered the real me.!