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Wahhz quddiee ' dhiz yuh qirl Carmen "Dream" De Jesus . If yuh dont knw by now , I represent $CRIPT $OCIETY -- I'm 16 yrs yunqinz & Puerto Rican {Por Ley - Pa ke tu lo sepas} jaja My passions aree Graffiti , Muzik, Art , Poetry , & Writinq . So yeaa . Comment, Rate -- Imma be keepin yall posted wen I put new stuff so Check My Script ! ; )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rhymes of Some Hard Times

I remember the days
When I used to act a different way
When everyone would act a different way
When everyone would say "It's going to be okay."
But it never turned out that way
Living with a family of eight
It wasn't that straight
Struggling with money wasn't great
And going to school and showin up late
Teachers asked questions- I gave em no answers
Helpin mom with kids & changing pampers
Aunt started running from the abusive spouse
Gave her a place to say at our house
She had no job- She had no car
She didn't get far
But we helped her out
My mom & her would shout
over the stupidest stuff
I couldn't take it- 8th grade was my 1st puff
I was hooked
Never stuck my head in a book
I skipped school cause I thought I was cool
I'd smoke and drink.. and I really didn't think.
I thought I was the shyt... The best
10th grade came and I was amused by sex
Cursing & drugs flooded the halls
I tagged the walls and bathroom stalls
I was never the one to fit in
I was the leader and that's how its always been
I'd come home to screaming & bitchin
My siblings were always snitchin
I'd try to sleep and cry to sleep
I hung out with the wrong crowd
I was always the one to be crazy and loud
But things started to change- & I don't mean Obama.
I drifted away from my family.. Especially my momma
We used to be cool- We used to be tight
But now it's different- We just fight
God was out of sight
And so was Danny
He went to college- Away from the family
Everybody drifted apart
I got a cold heart
And I'm rock solid strong
And I vent my feelings by writing song
So here are some rhymes of some hard times.

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