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Wahhz quddiee ' dhiz yuh qirl Carmen "Dream" De Jesus . If yuh dont knw by now , I represent $CRIPT $OCIETY -- I'm 16 yrs yunqinz & Puerto Rican {Por Ley - Pa ke tu lo sepas} jaja My passions aree Graffiti , Muzik, Art , Poetry , & Writinq . So yeaa . Comment, Rate -- Imma be keepin yall posted wen I put new stuff so Check My Script ! ; )

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gossip Hurts

Have you ever been the victom of gossip at your school? How does it hurt? How does it start and when will it end? Who will make a stand to approach those who spread the gossip? Gossip not only hurts those that it’s being spread about but the families and friends of that individual. Sometimes it starts as a joke and becomes serious; then again, most gossip is intentional.

Students gossip for many reasons. Many people gossip because they are jealous of other friend’s relationships, or to even break those relationships. Some people gossip to tease and make fun of others, to get back at someone, to hurt that person, or to make them less popular. There are just some people out there who feel insecure about themselves so they feel pleasure by starting gossip about others to make themselves feel powerful and in control.

A lot of gossiping affects more than just one person. People don’t think of the effects their words have on others but gossip can ruin friendships and reputations. It causes friends to lose trust and loyalty in each other and it may take a long time to restore. Sometimes friendships are never restored, and depending on how out-of-hand the gossip got, students are also capable of committing suicide. Not a lot of people think about how their words and actions affect the people around them because they are focused on that moment and are not concerned how their peers feel.

It’s very important to be the peacemaker in gossiping situations. If you or anyone you know has ever been placed in the position to gossip about another person, report to an adult or an authority you can trust. No matter what people say or do, no one deserves to be treated in that type of manner. Gossip is a virus to society and it will never be stopped because it only takes one person to influence the lives of many with their words. Gossip hurts, so don’t contribute or encourage it.


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